Steff's surprise b-day party @ MV
25/10/2008 :)

Attended by Steff ( of course ), Cath, Emiko, Siewlin, Me, Kak Liza, Shirod, Vanessa, Ong, Joseph, David, Darren and Aruna :)
All of us arrived at Nando's at around 11.30am and waited for Cath to bring Steff there. Before this Cath told Steff that only we girls will be celebrating for her, teehee!

I'm taking pic too! :D
Had much fun on that day itself, chatting and laughing away during that 2 hours.

We girls ;)
With the b-day girl in between of us!

Oops the pictures' arrangement wrong dy...>< href="">

B-day girl looks happy :)

Apart from celebrating her b-day we gave her a present too >> a purse~!

Me, Cath and Aruna 'kacau-ing' at the side ;P
Why I looked so ==........

Emiko and Steffie!
After paying the bills we were basically taking pictures around, as usual! hehe!
5 of us again ;P
Somehow blurry picture looks nicer XD haha~
Was browsing through all the pictures taken and found that all these I have never posted them, due to my laziness and lost of ethusiasm in blogging *epp* so just post them here as well ;P
Outing @ 1U
*gosh it's like a month ago*

Enjoyed hanging out with them a lot ! hehe! :D
Hope there's more to come soon!
Okay the following is super looooooooong overdue.
Forgot to post them in my previous post about cath's b-day ;P